What are the best trees in Michigan? The answer may be a confusing one for those who do not live and love in this perennially beautiful state. With hundreds of thousands of different kinds of trees, their location and growing conditions vary as much as their tastes. Here are some of the more common trees in Michigan, their characteristics, and how you can distinguish one of them from another to bring you the best of the best.
One of the best known trees is the maple. Maple trees, also known as American black walnut or the “Royal Orchid” are a type of conifer that is famous for its fine, dark wood and distinctive yellowish foliage. The tree can be grown almost anywhere in the state, although coastal areas are known to be the most successful at producing the most spectacular varieties. In addition to the well-known varieties, maple trees are popular because they are very aromatic, with deep, dark colored bark and an unmistakable smell. There are literally hundreds of different varieties of maple trees grown and harvested in the state.
Another tree that ranks high on the list is the heart pine or “Redwood” as it is often called. This deciduous tree is also known as Red Maple or Heart Pine. It is the most popular tree for craft projects and homes because of the wood’s fine quality, ability to grow even in the driest and most difficult conditions, and its naturally expanding shape which keep it from maturing too quickly. The Redwood is also very durable and strong and produces beautiful lumber for the construction of decks and furniture.
One of the best known trees grown in Michigan is the white pine or “Crestwood”. This deciduous tree was used for centuries as the primary wood for building both houses and railroad tracks throughout the United States. It is an evergreen tree that prefers a warm, moist climate with an abundance of sunlight. The tree is extremely susceptible to being attacked by insects, which can cause it to decay and eventually become damaged. Unfortunately, this damage can be costly, so it is not uncommon for families to hire a tree service to remove the needles to allow it to grow new and stronger. While the white pine is quite versatile and can grow almost anywhere, it is best left unattended and planted in someone’s garden instead.
Other popular trees in the state include the maple, cypress, hickory, black walnut, and oak. Of course, many people choose not to buy any of these trees, but they are certainly well-known and easy to grow. For instance, the maple is probably the most popular of the best trees grown in the state. Its evergreen trunk produces a deep, dark brown color that can go almost unnoticed among the other foliage. The maple’s grainy texture makes it excellent for carving and the interior of chests and bedrooms. Unlike some other trees, the wood itself does not become stained when in contact with either dirt or acidic materials.
Hickory, a cousin of the maple, has an aromatic scent that appeals to most people. This tree has a medium growth that is often used for landscaping, especially around pools. It is also one of the best trees for building with its durable bark and straight shape. Black walnut trees are typically dark-colored, but they turn lighter in color as they age. This tree is very aromatic and the nutty-sweet smell that it produces is truly exceptional.
Finally, the cypress is a popular tree because of its hardness and resistance to decay. However, it is quite delicate, so it must be pruned regularly and kept protected from pests. The deciduous type grows up to five feet tall and comes in a number of shades and forms. This tree is most commonly grown for its timber. It is one of the most popular trees grown in the state because of its ability to change its appearance and color depending upon the seasons.
While there may be different varieties of trees grown in the state, they all share the characteristics mentioned above. All of these trees are wonderful to have around, and you should certainly consider them if you are looking for the best trees in the state. If you are not sure what kind of tree you want to buy, you should visit your local garden center or nursery. They should be able to recommend the best trees for your needs based on the characteristics described above.